Analytics Strategist

March 26, 2007

What’s next after search?

Filed under: Business — Tags: , — RandomC @ 6:27 pm

In other words, what’s next after Google?

I believe it will be a technology that allow social search – an IM like application which has the following feature:
interface with Web, SMS, IM, CellPhone etc.
you can ask any question and get answers instantly, from people. The underlying technology optimally select channels to broadcast your questions, where people can subscribe to the channels they like.
Method of earning points, through activities and feedbacks. The point can be earned, purchased and used to purchase priority services.

Business model? Oh, I can’t even begin to think all the money that wanting to get in 🙂

September 29, 2006

SIMS 141 – Search Advertising: Dr. Hal Varian

Filed under: Advertising, Datarology, Technology — Tags: , — RandomC @ 9:29 pm
Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business. The World Wide Web brings much of the world’s knowledge into the reach of nearly everyone with a computer and an internet connection. The availability of huge quantities of information at our fingertips is transforming government, business, and many other aspects of society. Topics include search advertising and auctions, search and privacy, search ranking, internationalization, anti-spam efforts, local search, peer-to-peer search, and search of blogs and online communities. The Instructor, Dr. Marti Hearst, is an associate professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley, with an affiliate appointment in the Computer Science Division. The UC Berkeley School of Information was created in 1994 to address one of society’s most compelling challenges: enabling people to create, find, manipulate, share, store, and use information in myriad forms. Through research, collaboration, and the education of future information leaders, we generate ideas, solutions, and guidance that transform information — text, still and moving images, sound, numeric data — into knowledge. [courses] [is141] [fall2005]

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