Analytics Strategist

January 31, 2006

The ultimate personality survey

Filed under: misc, Random Thoughts — Tags: — RandomC @ 11:07 pm

one simple behavior
five simple choices
five simple questions
seeing through YOU!

1. How often do you feel that your have the best idea among a group?
1. always
2. frequently
3. sometimes
4. a couple of times
5. not really

2. How often you will speak out in a group, even if you do not think you
that you have a better idea?
1. always
2. frequently
3. sometimes
4. a couple of times
5. not really

3. How often you will think that you had a good idea that did not get chance
speak it out?
1. always
2. frequently
3. sometimes
4. a couple of times
5. not really

4. How often you speak out, but feel like that you get to speak out before
someone who may have a better idea?
1. always
2. frequently
3. sometimes
4. a couple of times
5. not really

5. How often do you feel unhappy because of the way you did/did not speak out.
1. always
2. frequently
3. sometimes
4. a couple of times
5. not really

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